I can't believe Zion is already a whole month old!! It has gone fast already! If every month goes this fast, he'll be a year before we know it! I'm definately trying to enjoy everyday!!! I have a lot of new pics to share (I need to get better at updating this more often so I don't have to put 5,000 pics on at once:-) so hope you enjoy them!.JPG)
I still can't get over how curly his hair gets when we wash it!! It's so adorable!! He looks like a completely different baby I think....he's adorable either way though!

"Even though the lights are off, it's nighttime, and mom and dad want to sleep, I'm wide awake right now." Zion had his nights and days confused for awhile, he's getting much better though, now he usually just wakes up to eat and falls right back to sleep. Every once in a while he likes to stay awake until 2 or 3 in the morning though:-)

Sometimes it seems like he has such a grown up face already! He's changed so much from when he was just a little newborn!

So cute. That's about all I can say!!

All these cute pictures, you might start thinking that Zion never crys...but believe he has a GREAT set of lungs!! Overall he's a great baby though! Usually only crys when he's hungry or tired, he's starting to fight sleep more and more in the evenings, but usually he settles down pretty quickly, so that's wonderful for mom and dad!!!