Friday, August 10, 2007


I think Zion looks like a little koala on Eden here. This is one of both of their favorite spots! The other pic is when Zion wore Eden and Masa out:-)

Time to keep up!

All within a matter of days, Zion started sitting up on his own (with no support) and propping himself on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. I better get ready for him to start crawling soon!! I can't believe it! He's such a happy boy and is laughing more and more all the time, it's great! He loves being active, so once he can actually move around on his own, I think I'll get plenty of exercise! I still love being a mom, it's so hard to imagine that I didn't even know this little man a year ago.


Ever since he was born, Zion hasn't liked to laydown in his little infant tub. But now he can sit up on his own so we tried him just sitting in the tub, and he actually enjoyed himself for a little bit!! I can't believe my little boy is getting so big already, time's going too fast already, we're enjoying everyday with him though! He liked splashing around a little bit in the water, he's getting more playful everyday!

Jaden turns 1!!

Our neice Jaden turned 1 on August 3rd!! For those of you who don't know, she was born about 2 months premature. She was in the hospital for a long time, and on oxygen and medications. But she is doing great!! She's getting so big and developing so well! She is truly a miracle baby and a testimony to what an amazing God we have. Everytime we see them, her and Zion are more and more interested in each other, I'm sure they'll have tons of fun playing together soon!